Buying Cystonette capsules through the official website means quickly getting rid of the symptoms and causes of cystitis, the main signs of which are lower abdominal pain and frequent urination, ordering high-quality medicine directly from the manufacturer at a low price. Cystitis occurs in nearly 60 percent of women and 8 percent of men of various ages in the Czech Republic, where the majority of patients do not know about its chronic form and do not know how to cure it irreversibly. This disease is not caused by a cold, but by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder. The inflammation is most often caused by the overgrowth of bacteria, which is offset by the prescription of antibiotics with side effects that can be avoided thanks to Cystonette capsules.
No, Cystonette, a highly effective medicine against frequent urination, is not sold in pharmacy chains due to the possibility of counterfeiting.